Take a look at what’s going on.
To submit an event to The Happenings, please email events@blackvoicesu.com.
The Brothers of the Delta Beta Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. and The Brothers of the Theta Chapter of La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. present LATE REGISTRATION.
18+ to enter
21+ to drink
It’s the first general body meeting of the year for the Student African American Society, Syracuse University’s Black Student Union. Learn more about the organization and participate in a conversation that asks “what does it look like for your body to be jeopardy?”
Refreshments will be provided.
Who Will Be The Next Ms. Black & Gold?
Ms. Black & Gold is an annual scholarship pageant that celebrates the academic excellence and talents of collegiate women.
Auditions for the annual day show that bring Carnival to campus. Looking for hosts, models, and contestants for Mr. and Miss Caribfest.
Ladies are asked to bring heels.
Mr. and Miss CaribFest interviews will be held.
Learn about the nine NALFO (National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations) fraternities and sororities at SU. There will be a presentation by each organization and information about NALFO overall.
Register in advance by visiting: https://orgsync.com/10828/forms/15853
Business Attire.
Open call for audtions for the Kaptivating Kappa Lambda Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. presents The 26th Annual Jabberwock Talent Showcase: Diva Soul Circus.
Ubuntu: Black Leadership Network presents the Black Cultural Showcase. An involvement fair that will feature over 40 Black and Latino student organizations and services. Also enjoy performances by Black Reign Step Team, Black Legacy, Redemption, One World, and DJ Zel. Learn about campus organizations and how you can get involved on campus.
Auditions for the annual day show that bring Carnival to campus. Looking for hosts, models, and contestants for Mr. and Miss Caribfest.
Ladies are asked to bring heels.
Mr. and Miss CaribFest interviews will be held.