Off Da Dome: 15 Things NOT to do at a Schine Party

It’s Friday night and you are preparing to go to a party at the Schine Student Center (aka “a Schine Party”). You think you’ve got everything right and know you’re about to kill the game.

NOPE. Wrong answer!

We’ve all witnessed it. We’ve all seen someone doing something entirely inappropriate at a Schine party. Just when people think they’ve got it all together, something ruins their vibe.

Here are 15 things NOT to do at a Schine party:

1. Do not go to Forever 21 the day of the party thinking that you will find something unique. We guarantee there are about eight other women who will pick up that same dress. They might even be in the store with you, or in the fitting room right next to you!

2. Do not, we repeat, DO NOT, get there early. You’ll be left standing around awkwardly and bored on the dance floor.

3. I know you want to wear those six-inch heels ladies, but chances are you will not be able to walk in them. Either the cobblestone or pregame will bring you down. No buckling, please.

4. Fellas, fellas, fellas, please refrain from trying to catch a dub while the Greeks are strolling. Nine times out of ten she’d rather pay attention to the shirtless Omegas anyway!

5. Don’t try to buy a ticket in the 30 minutes before the party begins. It will be sold out.

6. Dance or exit. Don’t stand in the way.

7. Stop following women around that you danced with once. There are other fish in the sea.

8. And don’t expect for that one girl you danced with to go home with you. It’s just a dance, nothing more.

9. No hooking up in the corners. We see you!

10. Leave with your dignity intact! Try not to be that girl/ guy.

11. Schine is not a place for Snapchat. Please refrain from making videos y’all.

12. Never bring that nice, black, freshly popped tagged coat in the winter! By the end of the night you will be out of a coat.

13. When the DJ says “last song,” don’t wait around and jam out. Head to the coat racks. It’s probably a song that you will hear at the after party. You aren’t missing a thing.

14. Even if your feet hurt, keep your shoes on ladies. We don’t want to smell that.

15. On a serious note, no fighting. Never forget Faded 2013.

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